Happiness is the manifestation of positive contemplation and consciousness. It is a way of demonstrating positive thinking and intuition. The spirit of happiness is a collaboration of life contentment, positive effect, and high thinking in the subjective nature. The study delves into the sources of happiness globally, revealing mental health, physical wellbeing, living conditions, behaviors, personal safety, and life expectancy. The feeling of life has the most delighted meaning, leading to the divine inspiration of happiness. The objective of the paper is to state the spirit of happiness, encompassing feelings of contentment, positive vibes, and supportive life. The paper covers the World Happiness Report since 2012 when it was started, its background, factors, reports, and findings. The emancipation of happiness is multifaceted, covering positive emotions and cognitive feelings. Social connection, natural attitude, fiscal support, socio-culture, pragmatic sign, and mental healing are key terms, creating a vibrant evolution of happiness, and leading to the contentment of consciousness and self-awareness. Happiness is not only a personal pursuit but also a societal measure of progress, manifesting emotional intelligence, individualism, idealism, and perfectionism.