
The study aims to reveal the difference between Eustress and distress and its impact on the performance of the employees in magnesium industry, Tamil Nadu. Eustress is a positive cognitive response which will persuade the individuals to perform better in working environment where as distress is a negative cognitive response, having negative implications in the work performed. The objective of the study is to identify the effect of Eustress and distress among the employees. A survey conducted among 403 employees by using a stratified sampling technique, collected data were analyzed by applying One-way ANOVA to find whether differences among more than two groups means exist significantly in the dependent variable. Identified the homogeneous subsets of means from study that are not different from each other which is analyzed by Tukey B's Post hoc test. The majority of the employees' responses is stating that stress helps them to achieve work target, on time at the same time when the cognitive positive feeling comes down i.e when employees face the distress the performance of the same will be in a down trend.

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