When I commenced the investigations relating to the theory of the moon which I have had the honour to communicate to the Society, I proposed to show how, by a different but more direct method, the numerical results given by M. Damoiseau might be obtained. The approximations were in fact carried much further by M. Damoiseau than had been done before, and the details which accompany M. Damoiseau's work evince at once the immense labour of the undertaking, and inspire confidence in the accuracy of the results offered. But the state of the question is now changed by the appearance of M. Plana’s admirable work, entitled “Théorie du Mouvement de la Lune,” in which, although M. Plana's employs the same differential equations as those used by M. Damoiseau, and obtains in the same manner finally the expressions for the coordinates of the moon, in terms of the mean longitude by the reversion of series, yet M. Plana’s expressions have a very different analytical character and importance, from the circumstance that the author develops all the quantities introduced by integration, according to powers of the quantity called m , which expresses the ratio of the sun’s mean motion to that of the moon. In this form of the expression the coefficients of the different powers of m , of the eccentricity, &c., are determinate, as are, for example, the numerical coefficients in the expression for the sine in terms of the arc, and other similar series. An inestimable advantage results from this procedure, which more than compensates for the great increase of labour it occasions, by diminishing the danger of neglecting any terms of the same order as those taken into account, and by affording the means of verifying many terms long before final and complete results shall have been obtained independently by myself or any other person. By treating the differential equations in which the time is the independent variable, as I have proposed, similar results to those of M. Plana may be obtained directly; but the calculations which are required in either method are so prodigiously irksome and laborious, that until identical expressions have actually been obtained independently, to the extent of every sensible term, the theory of the moon cannot, I think, be considered complete. It might, indeed, be supposed that already, through the labours of mathematicians, from Clairaut to the present time, the numerical values of the coefficients of the different inequalities were ascertained with sufficient accuracy for practical purposes, and that any further researches connected with the subject would be more likely to gratify curiosity than to lead to any useful result. Astronomical observations are now made with so great precision, that the numerical values of the coefficients are wanted to at least the tenth of a second of space: very few, however, of the coefficients of MM. Damoiseau and Plana agree so nearly, and some differ much more, as may be seen in the following comparison of the numerical values of the coefficients of some of the arguments in the expression for the true longitude of the moon in terms of her mean longitude, being indeed those which differ the most.
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