I. “ On the Densities of Carbonic Oxide, Carbonic Anhydride, and Nitrous Oxide.” By L ord R ayleigh, F.R.S. II. “ On the Application of Harmonic Analysis to the Dynamical Theory of the Tides. Part II. On the General Integration of Laplace’s Dynamical Equations.” By S. S. H ough, M.A., Fellow of St. John’s College, and Isaac Newton Student in the University of Cambridge. Communicated by Professor G. H. D arwin, F.R.S. III. “ A Note on some further Determinations of the Dielectric Constants of Organic Bodies and Electrolytes at very Low Temperatures.” By J ames D ewar, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S., Fullerian Professor of Chemistry in the Royal Institution, and J. A. F leming, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., Professor of Electrical Engineering in University College, London. IV. “ On Methods of making Magnets independent of Changes of Temperature; and some Experiments upon Negative Temperature Coefficients in Magnets.” By J. Reginald A shworth. Communicated by Arthur Schuster, F.R.S. V. “ The Electric Conductivity of Nitric Acid.” By V. H. V eley, M.A., F.R.S., and J. J. Manley, Daubeny Curator of the Magdalen College Laboratory, Oxford. VI. “ On the Calculation of the Coefficient of Mutual Induction of a Circle and a Coaxial Helix, and of the Electromagnetic Force between a Helical Current and a uniform Coaxial Circular Cylindrical Current Sheet.” By J. V iriamu J ones, F.R.S.
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