Dimethylglyoxime was used by Braley and Hobart 1 as an analytical reagent for cobalt following the researches of Tschugaeff 2 on metallic derivatives of dioximes. Compounds containing ammonia or pyridine were studied, and the brown colorations permitted to detect as little as 5 γ of cobalt. Using the same reagent combined with alkaline sulfides, Feigl and von Tustanowska 3 obtained a violet red coloration which allowed them to detect cobalt ion in a dilution of 1 to 830000. Bertrand and Machebeuf 4 developed a colorimetric method for the determination of cobalt in biological materials. Charottino 5 replaced ammonia by certain amines, chiefly aromatic ones (benzidine), and claimed to have thus increased the sensitivity of the test, which was confirmed by Braun 6. Finally, by the use of toluidine, Spacu and Macaronici 7 attained a still higher sensitivity.