Amid efforts to address energy consumption in modern computing systems, one promising approach takes advantage of random networks of non-linear nanoscale junctions formed by nanoparticles as substrates for neuromorphic computing. These networks exhibit emergent complexity and collective behaviors akin to biological neural networks, characterized by self-organization, redundancy, and non-linearity. Based on this foundation, a generalization of n-inputs devices has been proposed, where the associated weights depend on all the input values. This model, called receptron, has demonstrated its capability to generate Boolean functions as output, representing a significant breakthrough in unconventional computing methods. In this work, we characterize and present two actual implementations of this paradigm. One approach leverages the nanoscale properties of cluster-assembled Au films, while the other utilizes the recently introduced Stochastic Resistor Network (SRN) model. We first provide a concise overview of the electrical properties of these systems, emphasizing the insights gained from the SRN regarding the physical processes within real nanostructured gold films at a coarse-grained scale. Furthermore, we present evidence indicating the minimum complexity level required by the SRN model to achieve a stochastic dynamics adequate to effectively model a novel component for logic systems. To support our argument that these systems are preferable to conventional random search algorithms, we discuss quantitative criteria based on Information-theoretic tools. This suggests a practical means to steer the stochastic dynamics of the system in a controlled way, thus focusing its random exploration where it is most useful.
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