The utilization of Internet of Things (IoT) devices is increasing very rapidly, creating a demand for skilled professionals who can navigate the complexities of this technology. It is a crucial educational challenge to prepare undergraduates to become contributors in this emerging field. The curriculum needs to be updated to offer students both theoretical learning and practical application so they can benefit from it. This paper introduces a comprehensive IoT learning module to the final-year students of civil engineering in an elective course, Smart Building. The proposed learning module includes an introduction to IoT concepts and applications, IoT devices, communication protocols, cloud platforms, user interfaces, and IoT risk management and security, all of which can be easily integrated into existing courses. Results from the module are presented using direct and indirect assessments, including assignments, hands-on practical, examinations, and surveys. These assessments are designed to evaluate the students’ understanding and the challenges they encountered in their IoT learning process. The findings indicate that a significant majority, surpassing 90% of the students, have demonstrated understanding of a minimum of three essential components of the fundamental IoT architecture, despite their limited background knowledge at the beginning of the course. Additionally, this learning module can serve as a valuable resource for other educators who intend to deliver IoT-related courses.