In digital circuits, the shift registers are the significant elements having the ability of storing and transmitting the data in sequential manner.The linear feedback shift register (LFSR) uses large number of flips-flops that consumes maximum amount of power. To overcome this issue, this research work concentrates on the design of LFSR for the area efficient, power reduction, minimization of delay and leakage current. By replacing the d-flip-flop with the bi-enabled pulsed latch to reduce the power consumption and delay of the proposed LFSR design. For the minimization of area, leakage current and delay, the hybrid body bias generator with dynamic threshold MOS (BBG-DTMOS) is used. Moreover, the pulsed clock signal is generated in the digital circuit with the aid of hybrid BBG-DTMOS technique. The proposed LFSR design is implemented in the tanner EDA tool with the available CMOS model libraries. Based on the implementation result, the proposed LFSR area is 1824 μm2and its power consumption is 172μW at a 100 MHz clock frequency withVDD=5V. Furthermore, having the better performance in different corners of the method, reduces the propagation delay and leakage current in the digital circuit. The proposed LFSR design is compared with some of the shift registers such as unidirectional and bidirectional shift registers. The existing clock pulse generator such as conventional, delayed clock pulse, TIMBER logic, PTL-AND logic and multiplexer based clock pulse generator (MCPG) are compared with the proposed BBG-DTMOS technique.
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