AbstractThis paper reviews the role of ANOVA correction model in the homogenization of climatic time series. In the present context ANOVA has only weak connection to its original meaning (analysis of variance), so we propose the new name “Benova” to replace the confusing old name. In the linear model of Benova corrections (hereafter Benova) the information of statistically detected inhomogeneities and metadata are jointly considered for all time series of a given climatic region. Benova has indisputable advantages on the accuracy of homogenization results, and this has both theoretical and practical evidence. The study presents two principal versions of Benova: in simple Benova the climate signal is presumed to be spatially invariant, while in weighted Benova the spatial variation of climate is considered. In Benova models usually only breaks (i.e., sudden shifts of section mean) are considered, but this restriction has practical reasons, rather than theoretical limits, and the study shows an extended version of the method with which trend‐like inhomogeneity biases can also be removed. Benova can be used for a group of time series covering varied time periods, the operations can be performed in any time resolution, and statistical characteristics others than climatic means can also be homogenized by the method. Benova can be used together with any break detection method. The study discusses the likely reasons of the relatively slow spread in practical application. PRODIGE was the first homogenization method which used Benova corrections. Until now, all homogenization methods including Benova corrections include also the same kind break detection method, i.e., penalized maximum likelihood method with step function fitting. The brief descriptions of two modern methods of this method family, that is, ACMANT and Bart methods, are also provided.