SUMMARYObservations of the 2 growth sites and the laboratory experiments performed on B. vagum and B. moniliforme indicate that B. moniliforme is better suited to higher intensity illumination than is B. vagutn. B. vagnm was found growing year‐round in a dark‐water stream protected from high intensity light by the filtering effect of the bog‐dark water. B. moniliforme was found growing in a clear water stream. Without the protection of dark water, the B. moniliforme disintegrated under the high light intensities of summer. In the laboratory, B. moniliforme retained a healthy macroscopic condition over a full range of light‐intensity treatments; above 250 ft‐c B. vagum was increasingly distintegrated.Light intensity, however, was not the only factor regulating the growth, of Batrachospermum in the 2 growth sites. The pattern of growth of B. vagum in Sinking Creek varied with the depth of the water and, therefore, with the light intensity it received. However, it was found that where all Conditions were the same, the greatest percent cover of the algae was in the center of the stream where the current was the greatest. Thus it was found that within the limitations caused by water depth, current velocity can become limiting to the growth of B. vagum. Although the evidence for environmental factors affecting the growth of B. moniliforme in Smay's Run is less extensive, light intensity and current velocity in this site also appear to interact to control the growth pattern of the algae.
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