Relevance. In the harsh climate of the Arctic, where the warm season with a maximum average daily temperature above 10 °C lasts only three months, scientists in the crop industry are conducting tests and creating unique varieties of crops that will be able to provide the northern regions with fresh and vitamin-rich vegetable products.Materials and Methods. In the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, at the Naryan-Mar Experimental Agricultural Station, an innovative technology for priming seeds of vegetable legumes with electromagnetic exposure developed by JSC «Concern GRANIT» with the «TOR» device was tested on domestic varieties of Pisum sativum L. и Vicia Faba L. selected by the Federal Scientific Vegetable Center (FSBSI FSVС).Results. The tested varieties of vegetable legumes beyond the Arctic Circle were able to fully realize their productive potential, and the results of observations of the growth and development of crops confirmed the presence of favorable conditions for the selected crops. The quality of vegetable products and the obtained seeds of vegetable legumes in the Arctic in 2024 turned out to be higher than in the Moscow region due to a lower phytopathogenic load. Electromagnetic priming with the «TOR» device made it possible to obtain, in the conditions of the Far North, the productivity of green peas in responsive varieties and seed productivity in beans – by 3-16% and 12-35%, respectively, more than in control. Thanks to the use of the «TOR» device, acceleration of ripening, an increase in yield and product quality are noted, which is especially important in the conditions of a short growing season. Thus, favorable conditions and competitive opportunities for agriculture in the geographical location of the Russian North provide good opportunities to produce organic products in ecologically clean areas, which will be competitive not only in the regional, but also in the national and international food markets.
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