Microbial reduction of Fe(III) in clay minerals is an important process that affects properties of clay-rich materials and iron biogeochemical cycling in natural environments. Microbial reduction often ceases before all Fe(III) in clay minerals is exhausted. The factors causing the cessation are, however, not well understood. The objective of this study was to assess the role of biogenic Fe(II) in microbial reduction of Fe(III) in clay minerals nontronite, illite, and chlorite. Bioreduction experiments were performed in batch systems, where lactate was used as the sole electron donor, Fe(III) in clay minerals as the sole electron acceptor, and Shewanella putrefaciens CN32 as the mediator with and without an electron shuttle (AQDS). Our results showed that bioreduction activity ceased within two weeks with variable extents of bioreduction of structural Fe(III) in clay minerals. When fresh CN32 cells were added to old cultures (6 months), bioreduction resumed, and extents increased. Thus, cessation of Fe(III) bioreduction was not necessarily due to exhaustion of bioavailable Fe(III) in the mineral structure, but changes in cell physiology or solution chemistry, such as Fe(II) production during microbial reduction, may have inhibited the extent of bioreduction. To investigate the effect of Fe(II) inhibition on CN 32 reduction activity, a typical bioreduction process (consisting of lactate, clay, cells, and AQDS in a single tube) was separated into two steps: (1) AQDS was reduced by cells in the absence of clay; (2) Fe(III) in clays was reduced by biogenic AH 2DS in the absence of cells. With this method, the extent of Fe(III) reduction increased by 45–233%, depending on the clay mineral involved. Transmission electron microscopy observation revealed a thick halo surrounding cell surfaces that most likely resulted from Fe(II) sorption/precipitation. Similarly, the inhibitory effect of Fe(II) sorbed onto clay surfaces was assessed by presorbing a certain amount of Fe(II) onto clay surfaces followed by AH 2DS reduction of Fe(III). The reduction extent consistently decreased with an increasing amount of presorbed Fe(II). The relative reduction extent [i.e., the reduction extent normalized to that when the amount of presorbed Fe(II) was zero] was similar for all clay minerals studied and showed a systematic decrease with an increasing clay-presorbed Fe(II) concentration. These results suggest a similar inhibitory effect of clay-sorbed Fe(II) for different clay minerals. An equilibrium thermodynamic model was constructed with independently estimated parameters to evaluate whether the observed cessation of Fe(III) reduction by AH 2DS was due to exhaustion of reaction free energy. Model-calculated reduction extents were, however, over 50% higher than experimentally measured, indicating that other factors, such as blockage of the electron transfer chain and mineralogy, restricted the reduction extent. Another important result of this study was the relative reducibility of Fe(III) in different clays: nontronite > chlorite > illite. This order was qualitatively consistent with the differences in the crystal structure and layer charge of these minerals.
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