Polyhedral combinatorics is a new, large, and important branch of operations research theory which has been developing vigorously during the last 10-15 years. The classical problems and first results of polyhedral combinatorics are associated with the names of Descartes, Euler, and Poincar~. The popularity of polyhedral combinatorics is primarily attributable to its applicability for estimating the complexity of optimization methods (primarily the simplex method) and for potential construction of effective algorithms. Alongside classical problems, such as enumeration and classification of polyhedra and characterization of skeletal complexes, polyheral combinatorics deals with a va r i e tyof new problems, which include construction of convex hulls and analysis of metric properties of graphs of polyhedra. Graphs (line skeletons) are analyzed both for abstract polyhedra and for polyhedra of specific optimization problems: traveling salesman prt~blem, standardization problem, choice problem, transportation problem, linear programming problem, and combinatorial optimization problem. Such studies often require classifying polyhedra by various attributes, in particular, by the number of (maximum-dimension) faces, counting the number of vertices, and estimating the diameter, the radius, and the height. Many authors have considered the feasible region of transportation problems (see, e.g., [1-4] and the references therein). So far, however, only the feasible region of the classical transportation problem has been studied in sufficient detail. Much less studied is the feasible region of the transportation problem with exclusions, i.e., the set MG(a, b) of matrices x = II Xij II m• whose elements satisfy the conditions