The main algorithmic problems of group theory posed by M. Dehn are the problem of words, the problem of the conjugation of words for finitely presented groups, and the group’s isomorphism problem. Among the works related to the study of the M. Dehn’s problems, the most outstanding ones are the work of P. S. Novikov who proved the undecidability of the problem of words and the conjugacy problem for finitely presented groups as well as the undecidability of the problem of isomorphism of groups. In this regard, the main algorithmic problems and their various generalizations are studied in certain classes of groups. Coxeter groups were introduced by H. S. M. Coxeter: every reflection group is a Coxeter group if its generating elements are reflections with respect to hyperplanes limiting its fundamental polyhedron. H. S. M. Coxeter listed all the reflection groups in three-dimensional Euclidean space and proved that they are all Coxeter groups and every finite Coxeter group is isomorphic to some reflection group in the three-dimensional Euclidean space which elements have a common fixed point. In an algebraic aspect Coxeter groups are studied starting with works by J. Tits who solved the problem of words in certain Coxeter groups. The article describes the known results obtained in solving algorithmic problems in Coxeter groups; the main purpose of the paper is to analyze of the results of solving algorithmic problems in Coxeter groups that were obtained by members of the Tula algebraic school ’Algorithmic problems of theory of the groups and semigroups ’ under the supervision of V. N. Bezverkhnii. It reviews assertions and theorems proved by the authors of the article for the various classes of Coxeter groups: Coxeter groups of large and extra-large types, Coxeter groups with a tree-structure, and Coxeter groups with n-angled structure. The basic approaches and methods of evidence among which the method of diagrams worked out by van Kampen, reopened by R. Lindon and refined by V. N. Bezverkhnii concerning the introduction of R-cancellations, special R-cancellations, special ring cancellations as well as method of graphs, method of types worked out by V. N. Bezverkhnii, method of special set of words designed by V. N. Bezverkhnii on the basis of the generalization of Nielsen method for free construction of groups. Classes of group considered in the article include all Coxeter groups which may be represented as generalized tree structures of Coxeter groups formed from Coxeter groups with tree structure with replacing some vertices of the corresponding tree-graph by Coxeter groups of large or extra-large types as well as Coxeter groups with n-angled structure.
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