In the framework of multibody dynamics for rail-guided vehicleapplications, a new kinematic constraint is proposed, whichenforces that a point of a body follows a reference path while thebody maintains a prescribed orientation relative to a Frenet frameassociated to the spatial track curve. Depending on the specificapplication, the tracks of rail-guided vehicle are described byanalytical line segments or by parametric curves. For railway andlight track vehicles, the nominal geometry of the track isgenerally done by putting together straight and circular tracksegments, interconnected by transition track segments that ensurethe continuity of the first and second derivatives of the railwayin the transition points. For other applications, the definitionof the track is done using parametric curves that interpolate agiven number of control points. In both cases, the completecharacterization of the tracks also requires the definition of thecant angle variation, which is done with respect to the osculatingplane associated to the curve. The track models for multibodyanalysis must be in the form of parameterized curves, where thenominal geometry is obtained as a function of a parameterassociated to the curve length. The descriptions adopted hereensure, not only that the type of continuity of the original trackdefinition is maintained, but also that no unwanted deviationsfrom the nominal track geometry are observed, which can beperceived in the dynamic analysis as track perturbations. In thiswork different types of track geometric descriptions arediscussed. The application of cubic splines, to interpolate a setof points used to describe the track geometry, leads to undesiredoscillations in the model. The parameterization of analyticalsegments of straight, circular and cubic polynomial track segmentsdoes not introduce such oscillations on the track geometry but itis rather complex for the description of railways with largeslopes or with vertical curves. Splines with tension minimize theundesired oscillations of the interpolated curve that describesthe railway track nominal geometry, but the curve segmentparameters are not proportional to the length of the track. It isproposed here that the nominal geometry of the track is describedby a discreet number of points, which are organized in a tabularmanner as function of a parameter that is the length of the trackmeasured from its origin to a given point. For each entry, thetable also includes the vectors defining the Frenet frames and thederivatives required by the track constraint. The multibody codeinterpolates such table to obtain all required geometriccharacteristics of the track. With applications to a rollercoaster, the suitability of this description is discussed in termsof the choice of original parametric curves used to construct thetable, the size of the length parameter step adopted for the tableand the efficiency of the computer implementation of theformulation.