Statistical simulation is a necessary step in integrated circuit design since it provides a realistic picture of the circuit’s behavior in the presence of manufacturing process variations. When some of the circuit components lack an accurate analytical model, as is often the case for emerging semiconductor devices or ones working at cryogenic temperatures, an approximation model is necessary. Such models are usually based on a lookup table or artificial neural network individually fitted to measurement data. If the number of devices available for measurement is limited, so is the number of approximation model instances, which renders impossible a reliable statistical circuit simulation. Approximation models using the device’s physical parameters as inputs have been reported in the literature but are only useful if the end user knows the statistical distributions of those parameters, which is not always the case. The solution proposed in this work uses a type of artificial neural network called the variational autoencoder that, when exposed to a small sample of I-V curves under process variations, captures their essential features and subsequently generates an arbitrary number of similarly disturbed curves. No knowledge of the underlying physical sources of these variations is required. The proposed generative model trained on as few as 20 instances of a MOSFET is shown to precisely reproduce the period and power consumption distributions of a ring oscillator built with these MOSFETs.
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