Ventricular failure manifests in many forms, its underlying physiology ranging from overt left ventricular (LV) systolic dysfunction to isolated right ventricular (RV) diastolic dysfunction, and the wide portfolio of resulting symptoms vary from chronic fluid retention to acute multiorgan dysfunction and death. In this review, we discuss the morphological, functional, and molecular similarities and differences in RV and LV responses to adverse loading and failure. We further discuss whether LV and RV function and failure can truly be discussed as separate entities and thereby examine interactions between the ventricles that on one hand contribute to ventricular dysfunction but on the other may be harnessed for therapeutic benefit. The RV and LV have different embryological origins.1 The LV originates from the primary heart field; the RV, from the secondary heart field. Consequently, several genes specifically control RV formation, including, among others, Hand2 and Tbx20 .2 During gestation, the RV functions as the systemic ventricle (Figure 1A). During fetal life, in addition to supplying the modest amount of pulmonary blood flow, the RV pumps blood to the lower body and placenta and contributes more than half of the combined cardiac output.3 With the transition from fetal to postnatal physiology and with the reduction in pulmonary vascular resistance, the subpulmonary RV transforms its morphology and geometry, becoming a thin-walled chamber to adopt its postnatal physiological characteristics.4 Because it faces a low impedance pulmonary circulation, the normal postnatal RV maintains a cardiac output equal to that of the LV at approximately a fifth of the energy cost. The trapezoidal RV pressure-volume loop reflects this difference, with few if any isovolumic periods. Consequently, RV output starts early during pressure generation and is later maintained by a “hangout period” when antegrade flow continues into the pulmonary artery despite the onset of RV …
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