Trivalent chromium has been proposed to be transported in vivo from the bloodstream to the tissues via endocytosis by transferrin (Tf), the major iron transport protein in the blood. While Cr(III) loss from the Tf/Tf receptor complex after acidification to pH 5.5 has recently been shown to be sufficiently rapid to be physiologically relevant, the released Cr(III) still must exit the endosome during the time of the endocytosis cycle (circa 15 min). Cr(III) binds too slowly to small ligands such as citrate or ascorbate, or even EDTA, for such complexes to form and be transported from the endosome, while no trivalent ion transporters are known. However, the apo form of the peptide low-molecular-weight chromium-binding substance (LMWCr) can remove Cr(III) from Cr(III)2-Tf at neutral pH, albeit slowly, and LMWCr is known to be transported from cells after binding Cr(III), although the transporter is not known. LMWCr subsequently carries Cr(III) to the bloodstream ultimately for removal from the body in the urine. The rate of binding of Cr(III) to apoLMWCr was significantly enhanced in the presence of the Tf/Tf receptor complex. These results suggest that apoLMWCr may function to bind Cr(III) released in the endosomes for ultimate removal from the body as part of a Cr(III) detoxification process.
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