Given an arbitrary graph, wh~t can we say about the setl of all chromatic numbers of its subgraphs ? In particular, for e~rdinals m ~ n, does every graph of chromatic number m have a subgraph of chromatic number n? For n ~ ~t 0 the affirmative answer follows from the theorem of DE BI~UIJ~ and ERD6S [1], SO the simplest nontrivial question is whether every graph of chromatic number ~2 has a subgraph of chromatic number Nr I have no positive results; the purpose of this note is only to state the probleml in the form of 2 dubious conjectures, and to prove that the stronger conjecture implies a weak form of the GCH. If % is a set, [S] 2 = {X c~ S " [X l = 2}. We regard a graph as a system G = (V, E) consisting of a set V of vertices and a set E ~c [ V] ~ of edges. A coloring of G is a function f defined on V such thatf(x) :~f(y) whenever {x, y} # E. G is m-colorable if there is a coloring f such that If(V) l ~ m. The chromatic number of G, ehr(G), is the least m such that G is m-eolorable. A graph G" ---- (V', E') is a vertex subgraph of G if V' ~ V and E' = E N [V'~]; an edge subgraph if V' ~ V and E' c E. ConJEcturE 1. For m ~ n, every graph of chromatic number m has a vertex subgraph of chromatic number n.
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