Prevention of cholesterol can be carried out for all individuals with cholesterol issues. Several natural, safe, and effective ways to reduce cholesterol levels include consuming cholesterol-lowering foods, exercising regularly, reducing sugar intake, avoiding smoking, limiting alcohol consumption, managing stress, and taking additional cholesterol-lowering supplements. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between health education and elderly knowledge regarding cholesterol prevention. The research method used is a quasi-experimental design. The population in this study consisted of 40 elderly individuals in Karampuang Village, with a total sampling technique used to select all 40 participants. Data were analyzed using a paired test to determine the p-value. Before receiving health education, the majority of the elderly participants (57.5%) had poor knowledge, and none were categorized as having good knowledge. After health education, 85.0% of the participants reached the good knowledge category, while the moderate knowledge category decreased to 15.0%, and no participants remained in the poor knowledge category. Health education significantly improved the level of knowledge among the elderly regarding cholesterol prevention.
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