This research investigates the current state of sustainable development education in Chinese kindergartens, utilising data from an environmental protection teaching experiment conducted at gong protection teaching experiment conducted at Gong Shu Kindergarten A in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China. The experiment demonstrates the positive impact of sustainable education concepts on fostering sustainable development thinking among preschool children. The research methods are then elucidated, encompassing the scope, issues, assumptions, data sources, data analysis, research areas, and the timeframe. Chapter 4 analyses the current state of Chinese sustainable early childhood education, delving into the philosophical underpinnings of environmental education and environmental ethics in sustainable development. This analysis includes an in-depth examination of the existing challenges in Chinese sustainable education, such as limited learning channels, immature thoughts, and the effectiveness of sustainable education concepts in environmental protection teaching. The chapter concludes with proposals for environmental education to advance sustainable education, encompassing the establishment of application systems, implementation approaches, and curriculum design. Through this comprehensive study, a deeper understanding of Chinese early childhood education sustainability emerges, offering valuable insights for future development.
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