The presented article discloses the activities of the Museum of History and Local Lore of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary School No. 16 of Kazminskoye village of the Kochubeevsky Municipal District of the Stavropol Territory from the standpoint of ensuring that students achieve the results of mastering the basic educational program. The educational function is considered as the main function of the school museum, which is realized through the technologies of museum pedagogy, which are based on the system-activity approach to teaching, which is the methodological basis of federal state educational standards of general education, which, according to the authors, determines the role of the museum as an effective means achieving educational results of students, reflected in the Federal State Educational Standards of General Education. The authors emphasize that the educational and up-bringing influence of the museum on students is manifested in the process of their direct participation in the implementation of various areas of museum activities. The article reveals the structure of management and external relations, provides examples of expanding the educational space of the school by means of the school museum. Considering the project and research activities of students as the main tool for achieving meta-subject results of mastering the main educational program, the authors demonstrate, with specific examples, the mechanisms of providing the museum with opportunities for students to acquire successful experience in project and research activities. At the same time, the participation of schoolchildren in olympiads, competitions, scientific conferences, festivals, gatherings is considered as a means of external assessment of the level of achievement of the results of mastering the basic educational program and an element of the individual «portfolio of achievements». The article tells about the organization of research work, exhibition activities, reveals the mechanisms of activating the processesof acceptance and implementation of the values of a healthy lifestyle by students, the need for sports and recreational activities by means of tourism and local lore activities, publishing activities are considered from the standpoint of the formation of skills to use information and communication technologies
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