The term asbestos refers to a group of hydrated fibrous silicates containing the chemical subgroup silica (SiO,), combined with a variety of other metallic cations such as zinc, aluminum, calcium, magnesium, and iron. Whereas other mineral substances also share these chemical compositions, the fibrous character of asbestos, defined as a length-to-width ratio (aspect ratio) of at least 3:1, distinguishes asbestos from other silicates such as talc, kaolin, and mica which have similar chemical composition but form flat, platelike structures. Silicates such as asbestos and talc must be distinguished from crystalline silica, another potentially pathogenic material, inasmuch as silica is not combined with other cations and produces tetrahedral crystals known as quartz, tridymite, and crystobalite. Both chemistry and configuration define the physical properties of the different types of asbestos fibers. Two major subgroups of asbestos are recognized according to their physical appearance.’ Serpentine asbestos has a curved or curly fiber shape, whereas amphibole asbestos fibers are perfectly straight. There is only one member of the serpentine group, chrysotile asbestos, but this type accounts for about 90% of the fiber that has been used commercially in the United States. The amphibole group consists of crocidolite, amosite, anthophylite, tremolite, and actinolite (Fig 1). From a commercial standpoint, the most important amphibole types are crocidolite and amosite. Not only are there differences among the various types of asbestos fibers with regard to their chemical composition and commercial uses, there are also differences in their propensity to cause specific types of biological reactions. For instance, crocidolite is recognized as the most powerful producer of malignant mesothelioma, although the other types of asbestos have also been reported to cause this disease at a lower frequency.2
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