Abstract The LCFI Collaboration has been formed in order to study all aspects of heavy flavour identification at future e + e − linear colliders in the TeV energy region. Over several years of work it has become clear that this environment, characterized by multi-jet events potentially rich in new physics processes, will provide unprecedented opportunities and challenges for detectors in general, and for vertex detectors in particular. Fortunately, as already seen at SLC, the linear collider environment lends itself to extremely powerful pixel-based vertex detectors. The particular characteristics of the TeV-scale machine will permit a small diameter beam-pipe at the interaction region. This, coupled with ongoing developments which will lead to even greater reduction in detector thickness, should permit the very high efficiency and purity for heavy flavour identification (charm and bottom quark jets) needed to satisfy the most challenging physics requirements. This paper describes plans for an R&D programme which will address the critical problems associated with the design of a detector matched to these requirements.
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