The elaboration of semiconductor devices suitable for short waves spectral region, is one of the tasks of modern optoelectronics. Green, blue and ultraviolet light emitting diodes are needed. The only way to solve this problem is to use direct band 11-VI and 111-V compounds with energy gap Eg 2 2.5 eV. The well-known luminescent material zinc sulphide is very interesting from this point of view. The quantum efficiency of ZnS luminophors is about 100%. Still, it is necessary to overcome tendencies which are peculiar to these compounds in order to use ZnS in light emitting diodes. First of all, the compounds tend to selfcompensation of the defects. The lattice vacancies compensate donor or acceptor impurities implanted. Hence, the conductivity would be low. Besides, it is difficult to change the initial type of conductivity of 11-VI compounds (usually n-type) and to obtain p-n junctions. The aim of our report is to show a possibility of governing the ZnS defects structure and suppressing the tendencies mentioned with the help of ion implantation. Let us consider briefly the main features of thermodynamics of defects creation in ZnS. The dependences of atomic and electronic defects concentration on the pressure of the compound components vapour at 900K, which have been calculated by the authors are shown in Figure 1. It can be seen, that the selfcompensation takes place in the wide middle range of pressures. The concentration of negatively charged zinc vacancies [ &,I' and positively charged sulphur vacancies [V,]' are approximately equal. Let us denote free electron and hole concentrations as n and p . Transition to p-type of conductivity [ p ] > [V,]' is possible when the pressure of sulphur vapour Ps2 2 100 atm. On the other hand, the electronic conductivity [n] > [V,,]' takes place at the zinc vapour pressure P,, atm already. Calculations show, that to obtain p-type material with the help of impurity implantation Ps2 2 50 atm is needed also. However, the pressure of saturated sulphur vapour Pgt Z 3 atm at T = 900°K. One could regard, that it is possible to increase the temperature in order to rise Pgt and to suppress the compensation, but the calculations show, that it is impossible. Let us consider the influence of temperature change on the impurity's compensation rate under the condition of thermodynamical equilibrium between the crystal and the vapour phase. To reduce the compensation we should increase the pressure of the correspondent compound component as much as it is possible, i.e. up to the saturated vapour pressure. If the impurity occurs to be a donor this pressure should be Pgi and PZ' otherwise. In the first case the compensation rate
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