To improve poultry production in Ivory Coast, a study was carried out in the commune of Yamoussoukro with 481 eggs from two breeds of meat breeders (Rouge Flesh and Kuroilers) which were collected during their reproduction. These eggs were distributed between three incubators, two of which were artisanal (Incubator 1 and Incubator 2) and one was industrially manufactured (Incubator 3), after determining their characteristics (weight, length and diameter). Incubation parameters were measured twice a day (at 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.) and brooding parameters such as apparent hatching rate, actual hatching rate, mortality rate embryonic and shell mortality rate were estimated. The results showed a significant difference (p<0.05) in the average weight of Rufous Flesh eggs (51.54±5.3 g) compared to Kuroiler eggs (50.02±5.54 g). The average temperatures recorded (37.40±0.55 °C for incubator 1; 37.58±0.49 °C for incubator 2 and 37.59±0.53 °C for incubator 3) were significantly identical (p>0.05). As for the hygrometry, that of incubator 3 (59.98±6.02 %) was significantly higher (p<0.05) than that of incubator 1 (54.58±1.80 %) and from incubator 2 (54.86±3.26 %). The actual hatching rate of incubator 1 (85.76±14.21 %) was significantly higher (p<0.05) than that of incubator 2 (70.85±14.48 %) and identical (p>0.05) to that of incubator 3 (73.95±16.45 %). Concerning the shell mortality rate, incubator 1 (1.03±2.18 %) recorded a significantly lower rate (p<0.05) than that of incubator 3 (7.43±4.56 %) and significantly identical (p>0.05) to that of incubator 2 (2.52±6.35 %). From this study, the artisanal incubators 1 and 2 meet the criteria for brooding and deserve to be used.