
The article describes an approach for ranking and selecting field pipelines based on the total cost of ownership of the facility for the purpose of timely repairs and minimization of accidents, as well as its software implementation. The principle of the proposed approach is to apply a technical and economic model of the total cost of ownership of a pipeline, which takes into account the costs of maintaining the pipeline over a long period of time, which include the costs of pipeline maintenance activities, pipeline failures and replacement of pipeline sections. This model allows determining which replacement year corresponds to the minimum accumulated maintenance costs, by varying the year of pipeline replacement from the start of operations to the planning horizon. The model also allows to take into account the impact of operational technological measures on the cost of pipeline ownership and the selection of the optimal year of repair.In order to take into account the level of pipeline accidents in the process of operation on the basis of operational data, a mathematical probabilistic model based on the Weibull distribution was developed. The mathematical model allows to take into account for each pipeline the influence of technical characteristics (diameter, length, wall thickness, material, coating, design features), operating conditions (type of pumped medium, technological mode of pipeline operation) and information on inspection and diagnostics. The accuracy of failure prediction using this model is at least 90 %.The approach to the formation of programs to improve the reliability of field pipelines with regard to optimal repair periods based on the total cost of ownership model is described, taking into account various objectives and constraints, among which the main ones are:- required achievable level of accidents;- acceptable amounts of financing for re-pairs;- permissible physical volumes of repairs along the length.The approach to forming reliability improvement programs described in this article has been implemented in Rosneft's corporate software system RN-SM. The implementation of this software package in production activities is being implemented in 2023–2024.

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