AbstractFlows produced by a circular cylinder undergoing oscillatory rotation and translation in a quiescent fluid have been studied via direct numerical simulations. The incompressible Navier–Stokes equations were solved for large dimensionless time windows using an immersed boundary method with adaptive Cartesian grid refinement. Parametric studies were conducted in two dimensions on the Reynolds number, Keulegan–Carpenter number and phase shift. In addition to the previously reported net thrust case (Blackburn et al., Phys. Fluids, vol. 11, 1999, pp. 4–6), the study catalogued the appearance of several streaming jet regimes with varying deflection angles, deflected and horizontal vortex shedding regimes, and a double mirrored jet regime with varying inter-jet angles, as well as several chaotic cases. Visualizations are presented to clarify each observed flow regime and to illustrate the parameter space. Connections are drawn between these canonical bluff-body deflected wakes and a similar phenomenon observed in aerofoils oscillating at high reduced frequencies in a cross-flow. Also, the discovery of the streaming jet regimes with varying deflection angles opens the door for using these flows as a low-Reynolds-number propulsive mechanism requiring only a two-degree-of-freedom actuator. Simulation results suggest that the flow phenomena observed in two dimensions persist in three dimensions, despite spanwise fluctuations.
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