Remains of past sea levels such as tidal notches may provide valuable information for the investigation of relative sea-level changes (RSL) of eustatic/tectonic origin. In this review, we focus on case studies of coastal changes from the Corinth Gulf, where impacts of past earthquakes can be traced through various indicators. The southern coast has undergone a tectonic uplift during the Holocene, whereas the northern coast has undergone subsidence. The magnitude of RSL fall in the south Corinth Gulf is larger than RSL rise in the north. Exploiting previous measurements and datings, we created a geodatabase regarding the relative sea-level changes of the whole gulf, including geodetic data based on permanent GNSS observations. The combination of geomorphological (long-term) and geodetic (short-term) data is a key advance for this area, which is characterized by fast rates of N-S crustal extension and strong earthquakes. The joint dataset fits the tectonic model of an active half-graben where the hanging wall (northern coast) subsides and the footwall (southern coast) is uplifted. The highest uplift rates (3.5 mm/year) are near Aigion, which indicates an asymmetric localization of deformation inside this active rift.
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