Aim. To analyze the situation regarding manifestations of foodborne botulism in the Volgograd region in the 2005–2023 period.Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of 158 records of hospital patients with a diagnosis of foodborne botulism was carried out. The epidemiological data under analysis included transmission factors and outcomes. The clinical data under analysis were duration of the incubation period, severity of clinical manifestations at the time of admission and during the course of the disease, severity of changes in laboratory parameters, studies of biological material for the presence of botulinum toxin. Statistical data were processed using the MS Excel and Stastica 10.0 MS Office software packages. Results. Predominant sporadic cases of botulism were identified. The leading factors of infection transmission and the predominant type of botulinum toxin in the Volgograd region in the period from 2005 to 2023 were determined.Conclusion. Physicians and other specialists working in outpatient facilities and hospital emergency departments should maintain updated knowledge about this severe food bacterial poisoning.