This study aims to investigate the influence of situational leadership, organizational change, and organizational performance in the hospitality industry. A quantitative method is used to analyse data from a total population of 222 three- and four-star hotel management professionals in South Kalimantan Province. The data collection method was a census, to ensure the adequacy of the unit of analysis. The data analysis technique uses SEM Amos to jointly analyze the influence of situational leadership and organizational change on performance. The results of this study were that empirically, leadership’s ability to give orders to hotel employees is the most decisive attitude in situational leadership, especially in terms of supervising its members in the settlement process. Moreover, readiness to change as a belief and attitude that must be carried out has the highest contribution value in organizational change. From an organizational performance organizational performance, at star hotels in South Kalimantan, the most decisive indicator is positive feedback from hotel guests regarding the product or service experience used. Organizational change is able to mediate the influence of situational leadership on organizational performance. Keywords: situational leadership, organizational change, hotels performance
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