Introduction: Chakradatta has explained the use of Dashamool kwath, Pushkarmool, and Hingu in Jhinjhini Vata. The word Jhinjhini is the best example of onomatopoeia meaning the formation or use of words that indi-cate the sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to. In Sanskrit, the word Jhinjhini is taken from the colloquial language that was in existence at the time of the writer. It is the influence of dialects which was commonly used at that time. This type of word is known as Prakrut (original) words without any specific Nirukti, which has been taken directly from colloquial language. Such words are being accepted in Sanskrit as they are. Therefore, we do not find its original root in any Sanskrit dictionary. So, we assumed that the word Jhinjhini resembled the tingling numbness in sciatic neuralgia. By this assumption, we have studied the effect of the said combination on Jhinjhini Vata w.r.t. tingling and numbness in Sciatic neuralgia. Sciatica is a set of symptoms that includes pain caused by general compression or irritation of one of five spinal nerve roots of each sciatic nerve or by compression or irritation of the left, right, or both sciatic nerves. There is often a history of trauma such as twisting of the spine, lifting heavy objects, or exposure to cold. Herniation or degenerative changes in the intervertebral disc is the most common cause. Symptoms include lower back pain, buttock pain, numbness or weakness, and pain in various parts of the leg and foot. Other symptoms include a “pins and Nee-dles” sensation or tingling and difficulty in moving the leg. Mostly, symptoms only manifest on one side of the body and pain may radiate below the knee, but not always. Sciatica is a set of symptoms where irritation of the root of the nerve is a cause of the pain. This disease is now becoming a major threat to the working population. Methodology: The study aimed to observe the effect of Dashamool kwath, Pushkarmool, and Hingu in Jhinjhini Vata with spe-cial reference to sciatic neuralgia. The subjective assessment of dependent variables such as Sphikshula (Buttock pain), Katishula (Low back pain), Urushula (Pain in the back of thigh), Jamgha shula (Pain in calf), Pada shula (Pain in the foot), Graha (Pulling pain), Spandan (Twitching), Stambha (Stiffness), Supti (Numbness), Toda (Pricking pain) was done. A total of 30 patients were studied. Appropriate statistical tests were applied to find out the significance of the treatment. Results: The Results showed that 2 patients got excellent results (> 75%), 25 patients got good relief (> 50%), and 3 pa-tients got moderate relief (>25%) after treatment of 21 days. The percentage of relief on symptoms score of Sphikshula was 57.33%, Katishula 53%, Urushula 50%, Jamghashula 51.11%, Padashula 64.13%, Graha 67.36%, Stambha 64.8%, Supti 61.61% and Toda 64.42% re-spectively. An average relief of 59.3% was observed for the above-said symptoms. Conclusion: This study revealed that the treatment of Jhinjhini Vata with Dashamool kwath, Pushkarmool, and Hingu as ex-plained by Chakradatta is statistically significant, effective, and complication-free.
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