This paper reports preparation of porous polypropylene magneto electret and its investigation on its surface charge characteristics. The electrets were prepared under the combined action of heat and magnetic field. Influences of polarizing temperature and magnetic field on MEs state of polypropylene were studied. Five different forming temperatures and five different magnetic field strength were used for the surface charge study of magnetoelectrets. Surface charge was found to be of the order of 10 -10 C. Negative iso charge was found in all the magnetoelectrets. The decay of surface charge was studied continuously for 30 days and corresponding time constant were calculated. Keywords - Dielectric, Magnetoelectrets (MEs), porous polypropylene, magnetic field, surface charge. I. INTRODUCTION Dielectric samples showing persistent polarization is termed as 'Electrets' (1) in analogy with magnet because in many ways an electret is the electrostatic counterpart of magnet. The first electret resembling Heaviside's was prepared by Eguchi (2) by solidifying the molten mixture of carnauba wax and resin in an intense electric field. In an electret, the dielectric is in state of persistent polarization, i.e. the polarized state continues to stay in the dielectric for considerably long time even after the removal of polarizing field. Electrets are classified depending on the physical agency that produces polarization in dielectric under the influence of an external field. The various types of electrets known so far are thermo, photo, radio, cathode, electro and magneto etc. In 1964, Bhatnagar (3) while observing the effect of magnetic field on carnauba wax for detecting Hall Effect, found that magnetic field in conjunction with heat energy (physical agency), could bring about the polarization in carnauba wax. The study of initial charge, i.e surface charge measured immediately after the electret formation, its subsequent reversal in polarity and decay with time and the amount of residual charge (final charge) almost permanently retained by it, has helped a great deal in understanding the electret state in the dielectric. The method of study of charge trapped within the electreted dielectric, by the modern technique of thermally stimulated current (TSC), (4) has added much more to our knowledge about the electret state. Thus the study of surface charge is one of the basic and important studies; hence it is undertaken for the porous polymers polypropylene for the present work. From the study of surface charge on magnetoelectret, Khare and Bhatnagar propounded a 'Two charge Theory (5) analogous to the two charge theory of Gross and Gemant (6) on thermoelectret. According to the two charge theory on magnetoelectret, the net surface charge is the resultant of two types of charges known as the 'isocharge' and the 'idiocharge'. The isocharge is the charge of the same sign on the surface of electret which may be +ve or -ve depending upon the substance while idiocharge is a charge due to polarization of the dielectric which has opposite charges on the opposite surfaces of electret. The two charge theory which explains the magnetoelectret surface charge is later found to be capable of explaining several phenomena associated with the magnetoelectret state in the dielectric, such as change in dielectric constant, refractive index susceptibility etc. In present study, The surface charge study on porous polypropylene magneto electrets consists in the study of initial charge on either surface of the sample and its dependence on various forming parameters, such as strength of the magnetic field, the constant elevated temperature subsequent measurement of surface charge is done continuously for about a month, to study the possible reversible of charge, its decay with time and the charge finally retained by the sample. These studies give an assessment of strength, stability and retentivity of charge, besides providing us with information regarding the polarization process responsible for the induction of magnetoelectret state in the substance. The results of surface charge study are discussed in the following sections.