Introduction. In this note by a continuum we mean a nondegenerate, compact, connected metric space. It is known (see [4] or [6]) that each chainable continuum is homeomorphic to the inverse limit of a sequence of maps from [0, 1] onto [0, 1], and it is not difficult to show, conversely, that if each of fi, f2, * * * maps [0, 1 ] on [0, 1], then the inverse limit of this sequence is a chainable continuum. G. W. Henderson has recently shown [5] that there is a map of [0, 1 ] on [0, 1 ] such that the inverse limit with it as the only bonding map is a pseudo arc. We observe that not every chainable continuum can be so represented (using only one bonding map) but that each chainable continuum can be embedded in such an inverse limit. If each term of the sequence ax= {fi, f2, * } maps [0, 1] on [0, 1 ] then the inverse limit of the sequence ax, denoted by lim a, is the subspace of the infinite cartesian product [0, 1] consisting of all number sequences x1, x2, * * -such that for each positive integer i, fi(xi+1) =xi. Iff maps [0, 1] on [0, 1], then limf denotes lim ax where a = {f, f, * * } . For a discussion of properties of inverse limit spaces see [3 ].
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