Abstract Swirling jets are canonical flow fields used to stabilize flames in many gas turbine combustion systems. These flows amplify background acoustic disturbances and perturb the flame, producing combustion noise and potentially combustion instabilities. Hydrodynamic flow response to acoustic excitations in reacting flows is an important modeling task for understanding combustion noise and combustion instabilities. This study utilizes a global hydrodynamic stability analysis in a Bi-Global and Tri-Global framework to model the vortical hydrodynamic modes of a reacting, swirling LES mean flow based on a commercial nozzle. After conducting an unforced, natural Bi-Global stability analysis to study the unstable eigenmodes of the flow, linearized equations of motion are used to study flow response of the flow to forcing. An empirical velocity transfer function is constructed by determining the flow response to a harmonically varying 150-1500 Hz u' velocity disturbance at the inflow boundary. These disturbances are strongly amplified, with amplification factors ranging from about 20 to 50 and peaking at about 1050 Hz, or st = 0.375. A comparison study with a cartesian, three-dimensional reacting base flow is also performed where the base-flow varies spatially in three-dimensions. The study utilizes a stable, high accuracy, but computationally effective centered finite difference scheme based on a three-dimensional structured mesh. Illustrative results present the qualitative modes and quantitative transfer functions for Bi-Global and Tri-Global stability analyses.
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