AbstractThe pituitary gland of the musk shrew, Suncus murinus L. was studied with special reference to the cytology of the adenohypophysis. In addition to the agranular cells (chromophobes), seven morphologically and tinctorially distinct chromophilic cell types (four mucoid and three acidophilic) were observed in the pars anterior. These cells have been tentatively named as types one to seven. On the basis of their morphology, topography and staining reactions, cells of types one to six were compared, respectively, with the TSH, FSH, ICSH (LH), LTH (prolactin), STH and ACTH cells of other mammals. The identity of type 7 cells could not be determined. Although mucoid cells (types 1, 2) are more concentrated in the rostroventral region of the pars anterior, a definite “zona tuberalis” seems to be lacking.Since the musk shrew is not a seasonal breeder, the gonadotropic cells (types 2, 3) of the adenohypophysis do not seem to fluctuate in structure during the different times of the year. However, conspicuous hypertrophy, hyperplasia and intense secretory activity of type 4 cells during pregnancy and lactation reinforces the postulation that these cells are lactotropic in function.Follicular cysts and colloid in the residual cleft were observed in a few instances. Their possible origin and significance are discussed.
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