We are studying hyperbolic function theory in the total skew-field of quaternions. Earlier the theory has been studied for quaternion valued functions depending only on three reduced variables. Our functions are depending on all four coordinates of quaternions. We consider functions, called alpha -hyperbolic harmonic, that are harmonic with respect to the Riemannian metric dsα2=dx02+dx12+dx22+dx32x3α\\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}\t\t\t\t\\usepackage{amsmath}\t\t\t\t\\usepackage{wasysym}\t\t\t\t\\usepackage{amsfonts}\t\t\t\t\\usepackage{amssymb}\t\t\t\t\\usepackage{amsbsy}\t\t\t\t\\usepackage{mathrsfs}\t\t\t\t\\usepackage{upgreek}\t\t\t\t\\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt}\t\t\t\t\\begin{document}$$\\begin{aligned} ds_{\\alpha }^{2}=\\frac{dx_{0}^{2}+dx_{1}^{2}+dx_{2}^{2}+dx_{3}^{2}}{x_{3}^{\\alpha }} \\end{aligned}$$\\end{document}in the upper half space {mathbb {R}}_{+}^{4}={left( x_{0},x_{1},x_{2} ,x_{3}right) in {mathbb {R}}^{4}:x_{3}>0}. If alpha =2, the metric is the hyperbolic metric of the Poincaré upper half-space. Hempfling and Leutwiler started to study this case and noticed that the quaternionic power function x^{m},(min {mathbb {Z}}), is a conjugate gradient of a 2-hyperbolic harmonic function. They researched polynomial solutions. Using fundamental alpha -hyperbolic harmonic functions, depending only on the hyperbolic distance and x_{3}, we verify a Cauchy type integral formula for conjugate gradient of alpha -hyperbolic harmonic functions. We also compare these results with the properties of paravector valued alpha -hypermonogenic in the Clifford algebra {{,mathrm{{mathcal {C}}ell },}}_{0,3}.
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