Two-component multilayer thin films frequently show hardness enhancements atspecific repeat periods above that of the constituent layers. This study of hardnessenhancements in W/Al nanostructured coatings provides strong new evidence thathardness enhancements in this system arise not only from the presence of a layeredstructure, but also from the presence of defects introduced by changing the depositionconditions. Samples with well defined layers of W and Al were produced by sputteringto cover a wide range of periods from 10 to 200 nm. No evidence of enhancedhardness in these films was found by nanoindentation. On the other hand, samplesdeposited from cathodic arc sources showed strong hardness enhancement above thatof pure W. However, the samples of highest hardness did not contain Al layersfor much of their thickness. The hardening mechanism therefore could not beattributed to the presence of a multilayer structure. Examination of the microstructureshowed that the interruptions to the W deposition caused by operation of theAl source introduced defects which acted as pinning sites for dislocations. Thenanoindentation hardness data were well described using a modified Hall–Petch relation.
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