Well-being is a Dynamic concept that comprises Personal, Emotional, Social, Psychological, and Spiritual dimensions along with health related behaviors. The present research was conducted to find out whether Psychological well-being in Caregivers of Person with chronic mental Illness can be predicted by Personality Dispositions and Creativity. We assume that Psychological well-being is likely to be predicted by personality Dispositions. Low level of neuroticism, high levels of extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness and creativity. 100 caregivers of Person with chronic mental Illness were selected through Purposive Sampling technique from the Private clinics and Private Psychiatric Hospitals. NEO Five Factor Inventory (Costa & McCrae, 1992), Creative Behavior Inventory (Hocevar, 1979) and Psychological Well-being Scale (Ryff, 1995) were administered to the caregivers of Person with chronic mental Illness. The findings of our study revealed that Psychological Well-Being is predicted by high level of Extraversion and Conscientiousness and low level of Neuroticism after controlling the demographic variables (i.e., age, gender, weekly hours on caregiving & job). The findings of this study revealed that increasing extraversion and conscientiousness among Caregivers can eventually help in promoting Psychological well-being.
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