Searches for effective yet nontoxic oncotherapies are searches for exploitable differences between cancer and normal cells. In its core of cell division, cancer resembles normal life, coordinated by the master transcription factor MYC. Outside of this core, apoptosis and differentiation programs, which dominantly antagonize MYC to terminate cell division, necessarily differ between cancer and normal cells, as apoptosis is suppressed by biallelic inactivation of the master regulator of apoptosis, p53, or its cofactor p16/CDKN2A in approximately 80% of cancers. These genetic alterations impact therapy: conventional oncotherapy applies stress upstream of p53 to upregulate it and causes apoptosis (cytotoxicity)-a toxic, futile intent when it is absent or nonfunctional. Differentiation, on the other hand, cannot be completely suppressed because it is a continuum along which all cells exist. Neoplastic evolution stalls advances along this continuum at its most proliferative points-in lineage-committed progenitors that have division times measured in hours compared with weeks for tissue stem cells. This differentiation arrest is by mutations/deletions in differentiation-driving transcription factors or their coactivators that shift balances of gene-regulating protein complexes toward corepressors that repress instead of activate hundreds of terminal differentiation genes. That is, malignant proliferation without differentiation, also referred to as cancer "stem" cell self-renewal, hinges on druggable corepressors. Inhibiting these corepressors (e.g., DNMT1) releases p53-independent terminal differentiation in cancer stem cells but preserves self-renewal of normal stem cells that express stem cell transcription factors. Thus, epigenetic-differentiation therapies exploit a fundamental distinction between cancer and normal stem cell self-renewal and have a pathway of action downstream of genetic defects in cancer, affording favorable therapeutic indices needed for clinical progress.
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