Positron states for the bulk and vacancy in intermetallic compounds CoAl and CoTi crystallizing in the B2 structure have been calculated using the DV-Xα electronic structure calculation and compared with experimental results. The calculated positron lifetimes in CoAl can explain the compositional dependence of the positron lifetimes in CoAl. The calculated positron lifetime at the Ti vacancy in CoTi is longer than that at the Co vacancy. The charge transfer from Ti to Co leads to the difference of the localization of the positron wave function at the vacancy. At the Co vacancy site surrounded by the positively charged Ti atoms, the positron wave function does not localize as well as at the Ti vacancy site, which decrease the positron lifetime. The calculated results suggest that the positron lifetimes in intermetallic compounds can not be directly correlated to those of the pure component and the charge transfer between the constituent atoms affects the localization of the positron wave function. Intermetallic compounds are of considerable interest due to their physical and mechanical properties. In intermetal- lic compounds having a wide range of concentrations around the stoichiometry, structural defects are introduced in order to compensate deviations from the stoichiometry. Several prop- erties show compositional dependence originating from the structural defects. Main structural defects are vacancies on the sublattice and anti-structure atoms occupying the other sublattice. Positron annihilation spectroscopy is a sensitive tool for vacancy-type defects in solids. In a perfect crystal, the positron wave function is delocalized in the interstitial region because of the repulsion from the ion cores. If vacancy-type defects exist in solids, the positron wave function is localized at the defect where the electron density is lower than the other regions. The localization of the positron at the defect results in a longer lifetime of the positron compared to the bulk life- time because the positron lifetime is inversely proportional to the electron density where the positron annihilated. Positron annihilation spectroscopy is very useful to study the behav- ior of the structural defects in intermetallic compounds. If the vacancy is mainly responsible for the deviation from the stoichiometry, longer positron lifetimes should be measured compared to the bulk lifetime. However, interpretation of the experimental positron lifetime for intermetallic compounds is more complicated than for pure metals, because several types of vacancies may exist in intermetallic compounds. The dif- ferent types of vacancies may yield the different positron life- times. In order to characterize measured positron lifetimes in intermetallic compounds, a theoretical analysis is indispens- able. However, little theoretical work has been done for inter- metallic compounds. In this work, we have performed calculations of positron lifetimes in intermetallic compounds CoAl and CoTi with the B2 structure based on first-principles electronic structure cal- culations. The calculated results are compared with the exper- imental positron lifetimes in order to identify the defect type in intermetallic compounds and estimate the reliability of the calculated positron lifetimes. 2. Computational Method
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