The aim of this work was to optimize athree-dimensional (3D) turbo-spin-echo (TSE) sequence using asmall field-of-view (FOV) technique for the study of the cerebellopontine angle and to compare it with aconstructive interference steady-state (CISS) sequence. A total of 30consecutive patients underwent magnetic resonance imaging with a3Tesla (T) scanner, including 3D CISS and the optimized 3D small FOV technique turbo spin echo (3D SFT-TSE) T2-weightedsequences for the study of the cerebellopontine angle. The 3D SFT-TSE sequence was optimized after three different steps, and aquantitative evaluation of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) was obtained according to the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) method. Three neuroradiologists made ablind comparative qualitative evaluation of the images between the 3D CISS and the 3D SFT-TSE obtained after the third optimization step, based on spatial resolution, contrast resolution, and presence of artifacts and noise. The calculation of SNR using the NEMA method confirmed the superiority of the third optimization step over the others. For both spatial and contrast resolution, the optimized SFT-TSE was considered better (p < 0.001) than the CISS, while image artifacts and noise were considered worse in the CISS sequence (p < 0.001). Intraobserver analysis showed that all neuroradiologists preferred the 3D SFT-TSE sequence in terms of both spatial resolution and contrast resolution and found more noise and artifact disruption in the CISS sequence. The use of the 2D radiofrequency pulse technique with a3D SFT-TSE T2 sequence was significantly more efficient than the 3D CISS sequence for the study of the cerebellopontine angle and inner ear structures.