Mediaeval Manises pottery has been very much studied [1] and there are many,articles about this important product made in Spain and exported to·a great number of countries in Europe [2, 3], but there is almost no published information available to help formulate a suitable approach to analysis, conservation and restoration. This type of med.iaeval pottery appeared after the Christian conquest of Valencia in 1238, in villages near the city. It took its inspiration from Islamic pottery of the eleventh century, but there is no direct derivation [4]. The products of Valencia ' s mud6jar clay are green/mulberry, blue and lustreware. Our study is centered on the blue ceramic, found in Manises, because it is the least known as a link between the other two. This type forms the largest group and has a long history: its production has continued unbroken since the fourteenth century. The present communication shows the preliminary results obtained from sev~ral pieces of pottery . Although the purpose of this work is the chemical and mineralogical characterization of the pottery, the study includes a morphological examination which provides information about the problems associated with both the consolidation of the glaze and··the adhesion of the glaze to the pottery surface. A small fragment (a few mm2) was detached from the surface of each piece of pottery, using a scalpel. The fragment, including both glaze and ceramic body, was embedded in cold-setting epoxy resin, cured a~d polished in order to obtain a cross-section. Finally the samples were sputter-coated with carbon for scanning electron microscopy. X-ray microprobe analysis was carried out in a scanning ISI-DS 130 Kevex microscope fitted with a Kevex (EDAX) energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer, at 20-30kV with a counting time between 110 and 300 seconds. X-ray diffraction is the most efficient method for petrological characterization of mineral species. A small quantity (a few mg) of the body and glaze was ground with an agate pestle and mortar and mounted in the diffractometer chamber. X-ray diffraction analysis was carried out in a D-500 Siemens X-ray diffractometer operating at 40kV and 30mA. The pieces studied include each of the different typologies of Manises pottery, based on stylistic criteria related to vessel form, colour and decoration. All the pieces studied have a white ceramic glaze applied to the pottery surface and decorated with cobalt blue pigment. .A first examination with light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy provided information about the morphology of both body and glaz~. The body showed a fine silty clay matrix with high porosity. Several microscopical irregularly shaped grains of filler (chamotte) could be seen and a few microcrystals of clay minerals quartz, calcite and haematite were also identified. .An irregular glaze-body interface was revealed. A higher concentration of metals responsible for the colour in the interface region of the glaze was measured by means of electron probe microanalysis; this result suggests that an 'under-glaze' technique could have. been used. By applying the combined SEM/EDAX technique the composition of eight major and minor elements could be determined: The mean values of concentration expressed as oxides were: Si02 54.6%, Al203 18.0%, K20 3.14%, Ti02 0.61%, Fe2036.10%, CaO 15.6%, MgO ~.85% and MnO <0.08%. The samples analyzed were all similar in composition. This suggests that these pieces were made with raw materials from the same local source. X-ray diffraction analysis identified kaolinitesmectite, montmorillonite and vermiculite as the mineral clays that form the ceramic body and plagioclase (anorthite), calcite, haematite and quartz as accessory minerals. The X-ray diffraction results obtained from the glaze were not very co~clusive but confirmed the microanalytical results. The presence in the body of calcite (which is decomposed to calcium oxide and carbon dioxide at 880°C), as well as the presence of quartz and lead oxide as major components· of the glaze, allowed us to estimate the firing temperature employed in the manufacture of these ceramics as not higher than 950-1059°C. On the other hand, the presence ofhaematite in the body indicated that an oxidation firing process was involved. An adequate supply of air was probably supplied by open kilns, influenced by the preceding Islamic peri~d [5]. The authors wish to acknowledge the helpful contributions of D. Jose Perez Camps, director of the Manises Pottery Museum. Authors' address: Departamento de Conservacion y Restauracion de Bierzes.Culturales, Facultad de Bellas Artes, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Camino de Vera ~4, 46022 Valencia, ~am. .
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