By their diversified flight apparatus Messel bats occupied specific flight niches similar to those of extant tropical bats. The small Palaeochiropteryx tupaiodon is considered to be most specialized for hunting close to the ground and for hovering inside dense vegetation. Contrarily, Hassianycteris spp. most likely were high and fast flyers in the open space. The analysis of gut contents proves that Palaeochiropteryx spp. exclusively fed on small moths and caddis flies, i.e. slow and low flying insects. For P. tupaiodon this confirms the foraging strategy independently from wing morphology. Hassianycteris spp. preyed mainly on beetles or other insects with thick cuticules. Inner ears of Messel microbats are less specialized compared to those of recent species. Especially P. tupaiodon shows no acoustical specialization with regard to its hunting habitat. Thus, we assume that during the early evolution of bats the development of different flight styles and wing shapes preceded acoustical refinements of the ...
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