To achieve the actuation of silicone-based foamed composites, a liquid–gas phase transition of the liquid captured in its pores is employed. The uncertainty of key parameters for a single or sequential open-air performance of such soft actuators limits their application. To define the main characteristics of the composites, in this work, two functions of the liquid there were separated: the pore-forming agent (FPA) and working liquid (WL). It was demonstrated that the composites can be fabricated using either ethanol or methanol as the PFA, while any of the C1-C4 alcohols can be used as the WL. The results of the sequential actuation tests of the composites revealed that pore formation depends on the composite viscosity during curation, while their expansion in single heat experiments can be approximated by a unified linear relation. Based on a Mendeleev–Clapeyron equation, the qualitative model for predicting the actuator strain is proposed. It was found that the composites with C3–C4 alcohols as the WL outperform ethanol-containing composites on the number of cycles survived under open-air conditions. These findings pave the way to control the operation of soft actuators by manipulating WL variation and PFA content during the composite cure to set the operation temperature and degree of expansion of pre-formed actuators.
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