This symposium, with the longest name of those I have ever attended, was certainly not stretched out in time. It was a compact, very well organized meeting with 50 presentations in 3 days covering a wide range of plant transplant technology. Having participated in a symposium in Yokohama 8 years ago, at which I was impressed with the presentations on somatic embryogenesis, I was anxious to go to this meeting. Not many of the 150 participants came from Europe; however 13 countries were present, most from the eastern latitudes, with a number of American and Canadian scientists also present. The symposium started with an opening address by the legendary Dr. Atsushi Komamine. He explained that this symposium is a part of the outcome of the Japanese Research for the Future Program, started in 1996 with a budget of 2.4 billion yen for 4 years, dealing with the expected crisis in the biosphere on earth sometime in the 21st century. He stressed that the application of different biotechnologies should prevent this crisis. Genetic engineering for tolerance to environmental stress, molecular approaches for improvement of productivity, and production of resistant plants may form part of the solution. Another part is thought to be mass propagation of (woody) plants in an economically reliable way. Concepts and technologyfor closed plant production systems. The USA experts Drs. Giacomelli and Ting, and a major contributor to the symposium, Dr. Kozai from Japan, covered the first introductory session on concepts and technology. The application of machines equipped with vision technology for intensive seedling production becomes routine in a fast way. However, the environment still greatly affects seedling growth habit, final seedling quality, and ultimately the quality of the mature plant. Developments were presented of precise and uniform plant environments within closed low-mass systems with a recirculating atmosphere. The importance of this was demonstrated by the selection of morphologically similar seedlings (by radicle length and leaf size) leading to improved mature plant quality. Of the batches selected, measuring net photosynthesis and leaf temperature may lead to real-time plantbased (micro)-environmental control. 'Phytomation' is the word for this technology, leading to plant factories and biomass production units for space journeys as carried out by NASA. Theoretical studies to effectively describe the components of closed plant production systems have led to a set of 'foundation classes', resulting in a first version of a Java-based computer model describing a crop production system for long-duration human exploration of space. No-w ste systems? The necessity of closed systems for (tissue culture) transplants will, according to Dr. Kozai, become more serious in the coming decades because limitations will be set to the polluting open systems. Resources such as heating, cooling, vessels, trays, gar, water and labor will become more expensive, and thus wa e has to be minimized. A photoautotrophic closed tissue culture productio system reduces this waste and increases the final quality of the plants, compared to some traditional systems, by at least 30%. A closed transplant production system is defined as a tran plant production system covered with opaque walls, with minimized or controlled ventilation rates, using artificial lighting. So with this system, photoperiod, light intensity and quality, air temperature, humidity, C02 concentration and air current speed can be completely controlled. Photoautotrophic micropropagation and scaling-up. A historical overview of the evolution of vessels used in tissue culture shows a
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