Journal of Plankton Research Vol.18 no.7 pp.1103-1121. 19% Vertical migration of Rhizosolenia mats and their significance to NO 3 fluxes in the central North Pacific gyre Abstract. Rhizosolenia mat abundance, distribution and chemical composition were studied on two cruises in the central North Pacific gyre in order to determine large-scale distribution patterns and contribution to upward nitrogen (N) flux. These macroscopic diatom mats are composed of multiple species of Rhizosolenia that exploit subsurface nitrate pools by vertically migrating below the euphotic zone. Although numerically dominated by the small-diameter species, R.fallax (73-95% of total num- bers), mat biovolume was dominated by large-diameter (>50 u.m diameter) Rhizosolenia spp. (85-99% of total volume). Integrated mat abundance was substantially higher when mats accumulated at the surface during calm weather (£80 mats nv 2 ) than during windy periods (<23.1 mats m ! ), suggesting that many mats are found below diver-accessible depths. Chemical composition data indicated that nega- tively buoyant mats were physiologically stressed compared to positively buoyant mats; negatively buoyant mats had significantly higher carbon (C):N ratios and carbohydrate per mat, and lower pro- teinxarbohydrate ratios and internal NO,- pools than positively buoyant mats. These ratios suggest that N is a key determinant of buoyancy behavior, and are consistent with vertical migration by mats to exploit deep N pools. The maximum ascent rate of mats was 6.4 m h ' with no relationship to mat size or biovolume. Short-term O 2 evolution revealed no significant photoinhibition; conversion to C fixation yielded assimilation numbers of 4.7 and 7.3 ng C u,g-' chl h 1 in negatively buoyant and positively buoy- ant mats, respectively, although photosynthetic parameters were not statistically different between the two buoyancy classes. Based on photosynthetic rates, ascent rates and estimated N uptake rates, we calculate that a complete migration cycle requires 3.6-5.4 days. When combined with two different estimates of average abundance, we estimate that mats could transport 3.9-40 (imol N nr 2 day 1 into the euphotic zone. Using the wide range of literature values for vertical diffusive transport, this represents < 1 -2000% of the NO, flux into the euphotic zone and the average equivalent of 3-35% of the new NO, consumed in the surface mixed layer. Introduction The phytoplankton flora of the open sea contains very large (up to 10 p-m 3 ), rare, non-motile cells capable of positive buoyancy at rates of several meters per hour. This buoyant flora contains representatives of the diatoms Ethmodiscus (Villareal, 1992) and Rhizosolenia (Villareal, 1988; Moore, 1994), the non-motile dinoflagel- late Pyrocystis (Kahn and Swift, 1978) and the prasinophyte Halosphaera (see Jen- kinson, 1986). Rhizosolenia mats, macroscopic assemblages of buoyant and non-buoyant Rhizosolenia spp. reaching up to 30 cm in size (Carpenter et ai, 1977), can also ascend at rates of meters per hour (Villareal and Carpenter, 1989). Although noted from the warmer waters of all oceans, mats appear to be particu- larly abundant in the central North Pacific gyre (Villareal and Carpenter, 1989). Positive buoyancy by diatoms can only be achieved via density regulation and provides a clear advantage to cells in stratified, stable water columns where turbu- © Oxford University Press Downloaded from at University of California, Irvine on June 13, 2014 Tracy A.Villareal, Samantha Woods, J.Keith Moore 2 and Karen Culver- Rymsza 1 Environmental Sciences Program, University of Massachusetts, 100 Morrissey Blvd, Boston, MA 02125-3393 and 'Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI02881, USA Present address: College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, 104 Ocean Administration Building, Corvallis, OR 97331-5503, USA
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