General purpose parallel computing systems come in a variety of forms. We have various kinds of distributed memory architectures, shared memory multiprocessors, and clusters of workstations. New technologies may increase this range still further. Can one hope to design portable and scalable parallel software in the face of such architectural diversity? In this paper we show that it is indeed possible to produce fully portable parallel software which will run with highly efficient, scalable and predictable performance on any general purpose parallel architecture. The approach we describe is based on the bulk synchronous parallel (BSP) model of computation. The BSP model provides a simple, unified framework for the design and programming of all kinds of general purpose parallel systems. Over the last few years, a number of important research activities in algorithms and architectures have been pursued as part of this new approach to scalable parallel computing. In this paper we give some simple BSP algorithms and show how they can be expressed as programs. We also briefly describe some of the BSP programming language developments which are now being pursued.
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