Eclogitic lenses of metabasaltic composition-some units as much as 4 km in length and more than 200 m in thickness-are surrounded by and interlayered with deformed, completely serpentinized Beigua peridotite of the Voltri Massif. Relict primary textures indicate that most of the mafic layers were originally gabbros, but some units may represent finer-grained diabasic dikes; a few apparently were converted to rodingites prior to the high-pressure metamorphism. The mafic rocks have been subjected to a complex recrystallization history which involved both an earlier stage (A) and a later stage (B) production of the eclogitic assemblage garnet + omphacite + rutile, separated in time by a period of severe cataclasis. Subsequent recrystallization led to the formation of (C) garnet + glaucophane rocks, then (D) barrositic amphibole-bearing assemblages, and finally, through a stage of prasinitization (E), to the typical greenschist assemblage of albite + chlorite + epidote + actinolite + sphene. Some outcrops preserve evidence of the entire paragenetic sequence; green -schistic assemblages characteristically occur along the contact of the metagabbros with serpentinite, and more eclogitic assemblages are preserved in the interior portions of the mafic lenses. Of 95 specimens studied in detail, XRF bulk rock analyses have been obtained for 83. Combined with petro-graphic data, it is clear that most of the mafic units are especially titanium- and iron-rich compared to common terrestrial rocks of metabasaltic composition. The greenschists and barroisitic amphibo-lites exhibit much greater chemical diversity than do the parental eclogites. This means that either a more heterogeneous leucogabbro protolith was present in addition to the ferrogabbroic layers, and that this more magnesian rock type was selectively converted to the more hydrous, prasinitic assemblages, or that intense metasomatism has affected the later stage, lower grade assemblages. The 37 analyzed eclogitic rocks are relatively homogeneous in terms of their major element chemistry (e.g., ranges between 0.01 and 0.19 wt%), and they compare favorably with some ferro-grabbroic oceanic tholeiites. The parental gabbros were much too iron-rich to have been generated in situ from the enclosing Beigua ultramafic body. Accordingly, it is hypothesized that, at the onset of rifting of the lithosphere, mafic magma-derived elsewhere and already at an advanced stage of differentiation-was injected as a series of layers into relatively primitive mantle material. Relics of an early high-pressure, blue-schist-type recrystallization are preserved in the spatially associated "calcescisti," including rocks of the Sestri-Voltaggio zone and the Savona-type continental basement, hence this entire terrane may have been involved in an early Alpine( ?) subduction event. In contrast, the tectonically higher, deformed, plagioclase-bearing Erro-Tobbio lherzolites and derived serpentinites of the northern Voltri Massif contain only feebly metamorphosed gabbros lacking a high-pressure paragenesis. Apparently this latter unit was brought into juxtaposition with the underlying blueschist + eclogite-bearing terrane after the inferred subduction event.
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