This paper describes Sina’s current inventory and inspection system (SIOS) development with BIM (Building Information Modelling) applications and BMS (Bridge Management System) strategies towards an Asset Management system implementation. Procedures and data flows using Sina databases SIOS (Sistema Ispettivo Opere Sina inventory and inspection data, seismic vulnerability analysis database, etc.) as inputs supporting BIM modelling are described. Starting from a first project, which is currently being applied to an entire highway agency and which also envisages a later integration of tunnels, a BIM modelling procedure was developed to reach information models for an “inspection” “BIM USE”. Such information models, populated with the information necessary for bridge management system processing, have been connected to Business Intelligence tools to create dashboards supporting decision-making criteria based on management and maintenance approaches (Bridge and Asset Management System). In addition, for Asset Management development, the approach of decision-making tools, integrated with a multi-level approach of Italian Guidelines For The Classification And Management Of Risk, The Assessment Of Safety And The Monitoring Of Existing Bridges, can convey information flows to support criteria planning to choose routine and extraordinary maintenance and restoring interventions. The project illustrated in this paper shows how integrating technologies, methodologies, experience and knowledge must be supported by consistent information management towards companies’ digital transformation and asset management development as a decision-making tool based on enabling technologies.
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